
卡斯克与边境牧羊犬宠物雷克斯,摄于1974年左右[注 1]
  • 米尔德·雷尼曼(1944年结婚)
  • 卡罗尔·沃克斯(1958年结婚)

罗伯特·厄尔·卡斯克(英语:Robert Earl Kaske,1921年6月1日—1989年8月8日)是美国中世纪文学教授,从业大部分时间在纽约州伊萨卡康奈尔大学阿瓦隆基金会人文学科教授,在该校创办的中世纪研究生项目位居北美洲前列。他发表的作品很多,以长篇大论解读《贝奥武夫》、但丁乔叟的诗篇,时常走在学界研究前列。卡斯克特别喜欢解决文学谜题,发表大量文章探讨《珍珠》、《皮尔斯·普劳曼》、《神曲》、《丈夫的书信》、《堕入地狱》、《贝奥武夫》的问题段落。







卡斯克高中毕业后获泽维尔大学录取[12],在该校学习文科[13]。卡斯克连续四年都是旨在“进一步关注日耳曼民族语言、文化、历史、演变”的海德堡俱乐部成员[5]:2[14]:35, 71,大二起连续三年为《泽维尔大学新闻报》工作,负责专栏《又如何》[5]:2[14]:35, 96,原文“quid ergo”取自塞内卡所说的拉丁语[15],卡斯克自称专栏内容“涉及文学、政治、哲学、经济、历史、学校事务、闹剧、闹剧,还是闹剧”,还有“学童告诉世界它出了什么问题”[16]。同年他加入本科生文学报《雅典娜神殿报》和文学俱乐部“美人鱼酒馆”[14]:35[17][18],大四时当上《雅典娜神殿报》总编[19][注 2]和酒馆“主人”[13][21][22]。学生在美人鱼酒馆展示自家作品,探讨大师之作,卡斯克多年后谈起俱乐部仍充满感情[5]:2[14]:69。大三时他加入耶稣会学术荣誉兄弟会ΑΣΝ和戏剧团体“假面学会”[14]:35, 68, 76–77[23],同年还在校园戏剧演出《马拉奇神父的奇迹》扮演彼得·多兰[24][25][26][27],大四又出演《黑暗中低语》[28][29]。卡斯克用大三升大四的大部分暑假写广播剧本[30]。大四时与他人共创哲学俱乐部,吸引对哲学研究感兴趣的学生加入[31][32]。他还加入“传统分子”文学俱乐部,这年俱乐部集会时专门研究但丁著作《神曲》开篇的《地狱[5]:2[14]:35, 70, 74[注 3]。同年他参加校际写作比赛,拿到第六或第七名[14]:35, 103[34]。1942年6月3日,卡斯克以第二等优异成绩从泽维尔大学毕业并获文学学士学位[6][35]


获泽维尔大学录取后,卡斯克第一个学期便加入美国预备军官训练团[12][注 4],毕业前就接到服现役的命令[38]。1942年5月25日他当上美国陆军野战炮兵少尉[39],受命前往托马斯堡报到,接受体检并分配任务[38],但六月就休假回校参加毕业典礼[40]约翰·麦克尼古拉斯总主教在毕业典礼演讲时对卡斯克等25人表示:“我可以向毕业班的少尉保证,辛辛那提总教区为他们感到骄傲。很高兴得知泽维尔大学不仅从理论上教导爱国,而且的确在国家面临最大危机时挺身而出。”[41]




卡斯克与泽维尔大学英语教授、美人鱼酒馆创始人兼赞助人保罗·斯威尼谈起心中理想[14]:69[49],随后在1946年进入北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校英语文学课程深造[5]:4。他像在泽维尔大学时一样为学生报纸《勤杂报》撰文[50][51][52],作品有诗歌[53][54],至少一部短篇小说《辛奇中士归来》,讲述退役军人用夏威夷、昂奥尔、得克萨斯、夸贾林服役期间听来的流言蜚语极力取悦教会团体,后者对此毫无准备[55][注 5]。卡斯克在哈丁·克雷格指导下围绕乔治·查普曼悲剧作品撰写硕士论文[57],1947年获硕士学位[5]:4。中世纪研究学者小爱默生·布朗曾是卡斯克的学生,他认为克雷格如果没有离开北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校前去密苏里大学[58],传主很可能会成长为文艺复兴学者[5]:4。卡斯克最后在乔治·科夫曼指导下取材中世纪后期诗作《皮尔斯·普劳曼》成就博士论文,1950年毕业[59][60][61]



1957年卡斯克离开圣路易斯华盛顿大学,同年开始在宾夕法尼亚州立大学任教至1958年[5]:5。接下来他回到母校北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,1958年9月1日开始任副教授[71]。抵达母校前不久,他分析史诗《贝奥武夫》的文章在校园期刊《语文学研究》发表[72],1959年又发表《皮尔斯·普劳曼》主题新文章[73][74]:3–4。一年后卡斯克获美国学术团体协会赠款,请他参与图书《古英语诗歌英雄理念》(暂定名)编写[75]。1961年他又因研究古英语诗歌的英雄和英雄理念获古根海姆奖[76][77],还当上美国现代语言学会中古英语组书记[75]。卡斯克喜欢北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校拥挤的课堂,享受同僚的尊重,但很快就有其他院校向他提供待遇优厚的职位[74]:4。卡斯克在母校任教三年后前往伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校,1961年9月1日获聘为终身正教授,起步年薪1.3万美元(相当于2020年的11.3万美元)。后来他把此次跳槽称为“走出天堂”。[3]:819[78]:539, 697–698[注 6]



古英语学者弗雷德·罗宾逊指出,卡斯克在康奈尔大学创办的中世纪研究研究生项目极具价值,是20世纪下半叶北美洲培养中世纪学者的重要课程[95]:240。项目要求研究中世纪文学的学生参加至少四种中世纪语言或文学课程并接受高强度测试,学会法语、德语、古典或中世纪拉丁语、再加上两学期拉丁古文字学课程。部分“幸存者”戏称课程堪称“中世纪研究的帕里斯岛”。[5]:5–6[注 7]卡斯克介绍中世纪研究的研讨会为期一学期,足以吸引耶鲁等高校学子慕名而来[96]。同僚指出,整个项目“培养的学者已是中世纪研究下一代骨干,学者集体成就与导师对教学和学术理想的奉献有机结合,构成鲍勃(罗伯特的昵称)真正的纪念碑”[6]

卡斯克以忠于学生、热爱学习与教学闻名[3]:819[5]:6–7[94][95]:240–241, 243,有“法斯塔夫式人物”之称且颇得学生青睐[4]。布朗写道:“如果我们一直是学生,罗伯特·卡斯特就一直是老师”[5]:6–7。学生经常没有事先通知就到卡斯克家中拜访,征求他对参考书目和文章主体的意见,甚至专门就为借阅他的丰富藏书[3]:820。卡斯克背景平平,学术收入一般,这些书源自他多年积累[97]:266[注 8]。学生毕业后,卡斯克还会为他们编辑稿件[3]:820,“甚至把推荐信变成艺术形式”[5]:6–7





卡斯克与原配夫人育有一子大卫·路易斯[48][102][103]。但据布朗记载,“战争导致他没有时间顾及家庭”,婚姻在1958年破裂[5]:3, 5。卡斯克同年再娶英语学者卡罗尔·沃克斯[104],她也在康奈尔大学当上教授[105][106][107]。两人的儿子理查德·詹姆斯1966年1月10日出生[48][108],卡斯克去世时还有三个孙辈[109]。1989年8月8日,罗伯特·厄尔·卡斯克在伊萨卡北石场街的家里死于脑瘤[6][109][110][111]。葬礼8月26日在伊萨卡圣母无染原罪教堂举行[112],康奈尔大学塞奇礼拜堂10月21日举办追悼会,捐款用于大学图书馆但丁-彼特拉克或冰岛收藏[113][114]





  • Kaske, Robert E. An analysis of Chapman's tragedies, based on a consideration of tragic theory and the fundamental types of tragedy (学位论文). Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1947. OCLC 37757454. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. The nature and use of figurative expression in Piers Plowman, text B (学位论文). Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1950. OCLC 37757491. 
  • Kaske, Robert E.; Groos, Arthur; Twomey, Michael W. Leyerle, John , 编. Medieval Christian Literary Imagery: A Guide to Interpretation. Toronto Medieval Bibliographies 11. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1988. ISBN 0-8020-2636-2. JSTOR 10.3138/j.ctt2tv0pq.  付费文献


  • Kaske, Robert E. The Use of Simple Figures of Speech in Piers Plowman B: A Study in the Figurative Expression of Ideas and Opinions. Studies in Philology (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press). 1951-07, XLVIII (3): 571–600. JSTOR 4172984.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. A Note on bras in Piers Plowman, A, III, 189; B, III, 195. Philological Quarterly (Iowa City, Iowa: State University of Iowa). 1952-10, XXXI (4): 427–430 [2021-09-03].  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Gigas the Giant in Piers Plowman. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1957-04, LVI (2): 177–185. JSTOR 27706901.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Langland and the Paradisus Claustralis. Modern Language Notes (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press). 1957-11, LXXII (7): 481–483. JSTOR 3043508. doi:10.2307/3043508.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Knight's Interruption of the Monk's Tale. ELH (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press). 1957-12, 24 (4): 249–268. JSTOR 2871956. doi:10.2307/2871956.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Sapientia et Fortitudo as the Controlling Theme of Beowulf. Studies in Philology (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press). 1958-07, LV (3): 423–456. JSTOR 4173241.  付费文献
  • 编辑后再版:Kaske, Robert E. Sapientia et Fortitudo as the Controlling Theme of Beowulf. Nicholson, Lewis E. (编). An Anthology of Beowulf Criticism. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. 1963: 269–310. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Speech of "Book" in Piers Plowman. Anglia (Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg: Max Niemeyer Verlag). 1959, 77: 117–144. S2CID 162098491. doi:10.1515/angl.1959.1959.77.117.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Two Cruxes in 'Pearl': 596 and 609-10. Traditio (New York: Fordham University Press). 1959, XV: 418–428. JSTOR 27830395. doi:10.1017/S0362152900008333.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Summoner's Garleek, Oynons, and Eek Lekes. Modern Language Notes (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press). 1959-06, LXXIV (6): 481–484. JSTOR 3040589.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. An Aube in the Reeve's Tale. ELH (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press). 1959-09, 26 (3): 295–310. JSTOR 2871790. doi:10.2307/2871790.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Langland's Walnut-Simile. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1959-10, LVIII (4): 650–654. JSTOR 27707361.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Sigemund-Heremod and Hama-Hygelac Passages in Beowulf. Publications of the Modern Language Association (Modern Language Association). 1959-12, LXXIV (5): 489–494. JSTOR 460497.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. January's "Aube". Modern Language Notes (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press). 1960-01, LXXV (1): 1–4. JSTOR 3040559.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Weohstan's Sword. Modern Language Notes (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press). 1960-06, LXXV (6): 465–468. JSTOR 3040330.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Eve's 'Leaps' in the Ancrene Riwle. Medium Ævum (The Society for the Study of Mediæval Languages and Literature). 1960, XXIX (1): 22–24. JSTOR 43626839. doi:10.2307/43626839.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Dante's 'DXV' and 'Veltro'. Traditio (New York: Fordham University Press). 1961, XVII: 185–254. JSTOR 27830427. doi:10.1017/S0362152900008503.  付费文献
  • 增删内容后刊于:Kaske, Robert E. Dante's DXV. Freccero, John (编). Dante: A Collection of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views 46. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 1965: 122–140. LCCN 65-13596. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Canticum Canticorum in the Miller's Tale. Studies in Philology (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press). 1962-07, LIX (3): 479–500. JSTOR 4173387.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Weland and the wurmas in Deor. English Studies. 1963, 44: 190–191. doi:10.1080/00138386308597170.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. "Ex VI Transicionis" and its Passage in Piers Plowman. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1963-01, LXII (1): 32–60. JSTOR 27714179.  付费文献
  • 修改后再版:Kaske, Robert E. "Ex VI Transicionis" and its Passage in Piers Plowman. Blanch, Robert J. (编). Style and Symbolism in Piers Plowman: A Modern Critical Anthology. Knoxville, Tennessee: The University of Tennessee Press. 1969: 228–263. LCCN 69-20115. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Reading Genyre in The Husband's Message Line 49. Medium Ævum (The Society for the Study of Mediæval Languages and Literature). 1964, XXXIII (3): 204–206. JSTOR 43627117. doi:10.2307/43627117.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. A Poem of the Cross in the Exeter Book: 'Riddle 60' and 'The Husband's Message'. Traditio (New York: Fordham University Press). 1967, XXIII: 41–71. JSTOR 27830826. doi:10.1017/S0362152900008734.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Silver Spoons of Sutton Hoo. Speculum (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America). 1967-10, XLII (4): 670–672. JSTOR 2851097. S2CID 162531857. doi:10.2307/2851097.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Piers Plowman and Local Iconography. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (London: The Warburg Institute). 1968, 31: 159–169. JSTOR 750639. doi:10.2307/750639.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Some Newly Discovered Wall-Paintings at Madley, Herefordshire. Traditio (New York: Fordham University Press). 1968, XXIV: 464–471. JSTOR 27830859. doi:10.1017/S0362152900004839.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. "Sì si conserva il seme d'ogne giusto": (Purg. XXXII, 48). Dante Studies (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Dante Society of America). 1971, LXXXIX: 49–54. JSTOR 40166090.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Beowulf and the Book of Enoch. Speculum (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America). 1971-07, XLVI (3): 421–431. JSTOR 2851906. S2CID 162719503. doi:10.2307/2851906.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Horn and Ivory in the Summoner's Tale. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen (Finland: The Modern Language Society of Helsinki). 1972, LXXIII (3): 122–126. JSTOR 43345340.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Dante's Purgatorio XXXII and XXXIII: A Survey of Christian History. University of Toronto Quarterly (University of Toronto). Spring 1974, XLIII (3): 193–214. S2CID 153970178. doi:10.3138/utq.43.3.193.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. A Dagger in Relief on Stonehenge?. Traditio (New York: Fordham University Press). 1975, XXXI: 315–316. JSTOR 27830990. doi:10.1017/S0362152900011363.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Coastwarden's Maxim in Beowulf: A Clarification. Notes and Queries. New Series (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 1984-03, 31 (1): 16–18. ISSN 0029-3970. doi:10.1093/nq/31-1-16.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Gifstol Crux in Beowulf. Leeds Studies in English. New Series (Leeds, West Yorkshire: The University of Leeds School of English). 1985, XVI: 142–151. ISSN 0075-8566. 
  • Kaske, Robert E.; Springer, Otto; Andersson, Theodore M. Memoirs of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America: Einar Ólafur Sveinsson. Speculum (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America). 1985-07, 60 (3): 776–777. JSTOR 2848227.  付费文献
  • Howard, Donald R.; Kaske, Robert E.; Ferrante, Joan M. Memoirs of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America: Charles Southward Singleton. Speculum (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America). 1986-07, 61 (3): 765–767. JSTOR 2851651.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Pandarus's "Vertue of Corones Tweyne". The Chaucer Review (University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press). Fall 1986, 21 (2): 226–233. JSTOR 25093997.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Piers Plowman and Local Iconography: The Font at Eardisley, Herefordshire. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (London: The Warburg Institute). 1988, 51: 184–186. JSTOR 751272. doi:10.2307/751272.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Amnon and Thamar on a Misericord in Hereford Cathedral. Traditio (New York: Fordham University Press). 1989–1990, XLV: 1–6. JSTOR 27831237.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Godfrey's Vengeance for God on Good Friday: Alliterative Morte Arthure, 3430–1. Medium Ævum (The Society for the Study of Mediæval Languages and Literature). 1990, LIX (1): 128–133. JSTOR 43629289. doi:10.2307/43629289.  付费文献


  • Kaske, Robert E. Patristic Exegesis in the Criticism of Medieval Literature: The Defense. Bethurum, Dorothy (编). Critical Approaches to Medieval Literature: Selected Papers from the English Institute, 1958–1959. New York: Columbia University Press. 1960: 27–60, 158–159. LCCN 60-13104. hdl:2027/heb.06547.  付费文献
  • 删减后发表:Kaske, Robert E. Patristic Exegesis in the Criticism of Medieval Literature: The Defense. Vasta, Edward (编). Interpretations of Piers Plowman. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. 1968: 319–338. LCCN 68-12296. Kaske, Robert E. from 'Patristic Exegesis: The Defense'. Burrow, John Anthony (编). Geoffrey Chaucer: A Critical Anthology. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 1969: 233–239. OCLC 493371334. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. "Hygelac" and "Hygd". Greenfield, Stanley B. (编). Studies in Old English Literature in Honor of Arthur G. Brodeur. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Books. 1963: 200–206. LCCN 63-24538. 
  • 再版并在第206页附补篇:Kaske, Robert E. "Hygelac" and "Hygd". Greenfield, Stanley B. (编). Studies in Old English Literature in Honor of Arthur G. Brodeur. New York: Russell & Russell. 1973: 200–206. ISBN 0-8462-1673-6. LCCN 72-90565. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Aube in Chaucer's Troilus. Schoeck, Richard J.; Taylor, Jerome (编). Troilus and Criseyde & The Minor Poems. Chaucer Criticism II. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. 1961b: 167–179. LCCN 60-10279. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Character "Figura" in Le Mystère d’Adam. Mahoney, John; Keller, John Esten (编). Medieval Studies in Honor of Urban Tigner Holmes, Jr.. North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 56. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press. 1965: 103–110. JSTOR 10.5149/9781469639130_mahoney.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Eotenas in Beowulf. Creed, Robert Payson (编). Old English Poetry: Fifteen Essays. Providence, Rhode Island: Brown University Press. 1967: 285–310. LCCN 67-10212. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. Beowulf. Lumiansky, R. M.; Baker, Herschel (编). Critical Approaches to Six Major English Works: Beowulf Through Paradise Lost. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1968d: 3–40. JSTOR j.ctv512qvn.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Gawain's Green Chapel and the Cave at Wetton Mill. Mandel, Jerome; Rosenberg, Bruce A. (编). Medieval Literature and Folklore Studies: Essays in Honor of Francis Lee Utley. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. 1970: 111–121, 357–358. LCCN 70-127053. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. Chaucer's Marriage Group. Mitchell, Jerome; Provost, William (编). Chaucer the Love Poet. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. 1973: 45–65. ISBN 0-8203-0319-4. LCCN 73-97938. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. Holy Church's Speech and the Structure of Piers Plowman. Rowland, Beryl (编). Chaucer and Middle English Studies in Honour of Rossell Hope Robbins. London: George Allen & Unwin. 1974: 320–327. ISBN 0-04-821030-7. doi:10.4324/9780429341786. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Conclusion of the Old English 'Descent into Hell'. Fletcher, Harry George; Schulte, Mary Beatrice (编). ΠAPAΔOΣIΣ: Studies in Memory of Edwin A. Quain 32. New York: Fordham University Press. 1976: 47–59. ISBN 0-8232-0351-4. LCCN 76-20905. doi:10.1017/S0362152900018377.  |journal=被忽略 (帮助) 付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Clericus Adam and Chaucer's Adam Scriveyn. Vasta, Edward; Thundy, Zacharias P. (编). Chaucerian Problems and Perspectives: Essays Presented to Paul E. Beichner, C.S.C.. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. 1979: 114–118. ISBN 0-268-00728-4. LCCN 78-62971. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. Sapientia et Fortitudo in the Old English Judith. Benson, Larry D.; Wenze, Siegfried (编). The Wisdom of Poetry: Essays in Early English Literature in Honor of Morton W. Bloomfield. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications. 1982: 13–29, 264–268. ISBN 0-918720-15-X. LCCN 82-3577. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Seven Status Ecclesiae in Purgatorio XXXII and XXXIII. Bernardo, Aldo S.; Pellegrini, Anthony L. (编). Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio: Studies in the Italian Trecento in Honor of Charles S. Singleton. Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies 22. Binghamton, New York: State University of New York at Binghamton. 1983: 89–113. ISBN 0-86698-061-X. LCCN 83-717. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Masters, George Mallary (编). Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Proceedings of the Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Summer 1979. Medieval and Renaissance Series 10. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press. 1984: 24–44. ISBN 0-8078-1620-5. ISSN 0076-6089. LCCN 68-54949. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. The Character Hunger in Piers Plowman. Kennedy, Edward Donald; Waldron, Ronald; Wittig, Joseph S. (编). Medieval English Studies Presented to George Kane. Wolfeboro, New Hampshire: D. S. Brewer. 1988: 187–197. ISBN 0-85991-262-0. LCCN 87-27209. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. Casualty and Miracle: Philosophical Perspectives in the Knight's Tale and the Man of Law's Tale. Allen, David G.; White, Robert A. (编). Traditions and Innovations: Essays on British Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Newark, Delaware: University of Delaware Press. 1990: 11–34. ISBN 0-87413-355-6. 


  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: "Piers Plowman" and the Scheme of Salvation: An Interpretation of "Dowel, Dobet, and Dobest", by Robert Worth Frank, Jr.. Modern Language Notes (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press). 1959-12, LXXIV (8): 730–733. JSTOR 3040398.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: Piers Plowman as a Fourteenth-Century Apocalypse, by Morton W. Bloomfield. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1963-01, LXII (1): 202–208. JSTOR 27714209.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: Piers the Plowman: Literary Relations of the A and B Texts, by David C. Fowler. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1963-01, LXII (1): 208–213. JSTOR 27714210.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Chaucer and Medieval Allegory. ELH (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press). 1963-06, 30 (2): 175–192. JSTOR 2872089. doi:10.2307/2872089.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: Piers Plowman: The Evidence for Authorship, by George Kane. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1966-07, LXV (3): 583–586. JSTOR 27714923.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: Superbia: Studien zum altenglischen Wortschatz, by Hans Schabram. Speculum (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America). 1966-10, XLI (4): 762–764. JSTOR 2852344. doi:10.2307/2852344.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: Allegorical Imagery: Some Mediaeval Books and Their Posterity, by Rosemond Tuve. Speculum (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America). 1967-01, XLII (1): 196–199. JSTOR 2856132. doi:10.2307/2856132.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: "The Pearl": An Interpretation, by Patricia Margaret Kean. English Language Notes (Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado). 1968-09, VI (1): 48–52.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: A Reading of Beowulf, by Edward B. Irving, Jr.. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1970-01, LXIX (1): 159–161. JSTOR 27705832.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: 'Pearl' in its Setting: A Critical Study of the Structure and Meaning of the Middle English Poem, by Ian Bishop. Anglia (Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg: Max Niemeyer Verlag). 1971, 89: 13–137. doi:10.1515/angl.1971.1971.89.119.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: Theology and Poetry in the Middle English Lyric: A Study of Sacred History and Aesthetic Form, by Sarah Appleton Weber. Speculum (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America). 1971-01, XLVI (1): 188–190. JSTOR 2855128. doi:10.2307/2855128.  付费文献
  • Kaske, Robert E. Review: The Interpretation of Old English Poems, by Stanley B. Greenfield. Modern Philology (The University of Chicago Press). 1974-11, 72 (2): 190–194. JSTOR 436745. doi:10.1086/390557.  付费文献


  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (1) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-09-25: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (3) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-10-09: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (4) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-10-16: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (5) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-10-23: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (6) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-10-30: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (7) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-11-06: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (8) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-11-20: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (10) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-12-11: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (11) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-12-18: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (12) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-01-15: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (13) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-01-22: 2 [2021-08-29].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (14) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-02-12: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (15) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-02-19: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (16) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-02-26: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (17) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-03-05: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (18) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-03-12: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (19) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-03-19: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (21) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-04-09: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (22) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-04-23: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (23) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-04-30: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (24) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-05-07: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (25) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-05-14: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (26) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-05-21: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVIII (3) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-10-16: 2, 6 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVIII (4) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-10-23: 2, 6 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVIII (7) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-11-29: 4, 8 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVIII (8) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-12-12: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVIII (9) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-12-19: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVIII (10) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-01-15: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVIII (11) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-01-27: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E. Sergeant Hinchey's Homecoming. Factotum. 1948-11, (2): 13–18. OCLC 1568729. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. One Pound, Four Shillings. Factotum. 1948-11, (2): 22–25. OCLC 1568729. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. Weltschmerz, 1942. Factotum. 1948-11, (2): 47. OCLC 1568729. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. Prime Wisdom. Factotum. 1949-05, (3): 9. OCLC 1568729. 
  • Kaske, Robert E. Kohala Summit. Factotum. 1949-05, (3): 10. OCLC 1568729. 
  • Kaske, Robert E.; Morris, Edward P.; Kirkwood, Gordon M. Hutton, James (PDF). Individual Memorial Statements. Cornell University. 1980 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  • Kaske, Robert E.; Slatoff, Walter J.; Parrish, Stephen M. French, Walter Hoyt (PDF). Individual Memorial Statements. Cornell University. 1980 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅


  1. 康奈尔大学摄影讲师、校友乔治·西米恩摄[1]:23[2]。卡斯克看到后表示“虽不至感到受宠若惊,但我猜应该算是好照片吧……至少把雷克斯拍得很漂亮”[1]:23
  2. 卡斯克毕业后继续为该报撰文,其中包括1946至1947年冬的投稿[20]
  3. 卡斯克大二时与另外八人入围但丁演讲俱乐部,但不属入选的三人[33]
  4. 卡斯克大三时撰文讽刺:“我已经记不清民主到底是什么,总觉得这玩意儿既然值得我们每隔20年就牺牲最优秀的年青人,肯定是某种偶像”[36]。他还称,有些人觉得公共场合身着预备军官训练团制服受人尊敬,有些当成娱乐,有些心怀鄙视,有些沮丧,甚至还有些只感到彻头彻尾的恐惧。“在公共场合穿上制服总会招来各种奇怪的问题,从四面八方向穿制服的受害者蜂涌而至”。问题可能是“你是什么玩意儿?”(可能的回答如下:一、我是耶胡迪;二、我是美国人,你又什么玩意儿?三、鹰级童军第11.5队;四、“我是军人!胜利万岁!”五、庄严的沉默)也可能是“这些装饰是干嘛的?”(可能的回答如下:一、只有我知道炮弹从大炮哪一头射出;二、用来挡住弹孔;三、庄严的沉默)[37]
  5. 卡斯克八年前曾撰文,探讨征兵把尚处成长期的年青人带离原有工作环境、居住地、家人,可能导致“美国道德标准降低”这样“极具挑战的难题”。他主张“采取必要措施保护年轻人,毕竟我们为同一目标已经投入那么多时间、精力、金钱来反对不雅文学和图片展。”[56]
  6. 卡斯克的年薪次年升至1.37万美元(相当于2020年的11.7万美元)[78]:1595–1596, 1715。他后来几度返回北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,如1969年3月7日他向“婚姻团体”讲述乔叟,三天后又举办中世纪诗歌朗诵[79][80],1979年夏再度造访母校[81]
  7. 卡斯克经常在课上分享军旅经历,可能促使学员把繁重课程比作新兵训练[74]:3
  8. 卡斯克前往新罕布什尔州时经过专售内战纪念品和侦探小说的二手书店,意外发现16世纪托马索·马尔文达的论文《反基督论》[97]:266。他买下后送给朋友[97]:266


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 At Work at Cornell (PDF). Cornell Alumni News (Cornell Alumni Association). 1974-04, 78 (8): 13–23.  可免费查阅
  2. About + Contact. georgesimian.com. George Simian. [2021-09-02].  可免费查阅
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Kane, George; Leyerle, John; Robinson, Fred C. Memoirs of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America: Robert Earl Kaske. Speculum (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Academy of America). 1990-07, 65 (3): 818–820. JSTOR 2864141.  付费文献
  4. 4.0 4.1 Ferri, Laurent; Powers, David S. Medieval Studies at Cornell: A History. Cornucopia. Cornell University Medieval Studies Program. 2016-05-09 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.33 Groos, Arthur; Brown Jr., Emerson; Hill, Thomas D.; Mazzotta, Giuseppe; Wittig, Joseph S. (编). Magister Regis: Studies in Honor of Robert Earl Kaske. New York: Fordham University Press. 1986. ISBN 0-8232-1161-4. LCCN 86-80020. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Colby-Hall, Alice M.; Hill, Thomas D.; Wetherbee, Winthrop. Kaske, Robert Earl (PDF). Individual Memorial Statements. Cornell University. 1989 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  7. Herman C. Kaske. Deaths, Funerals. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1974-04-05: 5 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  8. Career At End For 19 Employees Of Postal Service Here—Cheviot Man Lists 51 Years Service. The Cincinnati Enquirer 116 (267) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1957-01-01: 13 –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  9. Kaske. Journey's End. The Cincinnati Enquirer 124 (269) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1965-01-03: 8D [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  10. Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (22) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-04-23: 2 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  11. Diplomas Will Go To 1,047. The Cincinnati Enquirer XCVIII (55) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1938-06-03: 2 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  12. 12.0 12.1 Military Ball Tomorrow; Sponsored by R.O.T.C.. The Cincinnati Enquirer XCVIII (243) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1938-12-08: 4 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  13. 13.0 13.1 Junior is Named Host. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (27) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-05-06: 9 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Renthrop, James A. (编). The Musketeer (PDF) XIX. Cincinnati, Ohio: Xavier University. 1942 [2021-09-03].  开放获取
  15. Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (5) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-10-23: 2 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  16. Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVIII (11) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-01-27: 2 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  17. Heydey Party Tomorrow: Xavier Literary Society is to Hold Annual Reunion. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (263) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-12-28: 14 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  18. To Observe Jubilee. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (310) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-02-13: 20 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  19. Heads of Paper Named. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (243) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-12-08: 20 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  20. Xavier Magazine Out. The Cincinnati Enquirer 106 (256) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1946-12-21: 7 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  21. 20 Years Ago in Cincinnati. The Cincinnati Enquirer 121 (26) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1961-05-05: 23 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  22. Students to Initiate. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (180) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-10-06: 12 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  23. Students to be Inducted Into National Fraternity. The Cincinnati Enquirer C (334) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-03-09: 20 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  24. Xavier Play Friday Night. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (4) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-04-13: 2-III [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  25. In Tonight's Play. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (9) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-04-18: 12 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  26. Xavier Play Well Presented. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (10) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-04-19: 11 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  27. Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (18) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-03-12: 2 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  28. "Masque" Group in Comedy-Melodrama. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (362) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-04-06: 19 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  29. Xavier Club Offers New Play Tonight. The Cincinnati Enquirer CII (8) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-04-17: 7 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  30. Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVIII (7) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-11-29: 8 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  31. Xavier Society Formed. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (195) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1961-10-20: 15 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  32. 20 Years Ago in Cincinnati. The Cincinnati Enquirer 121 (194) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1961-10-20: 23 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  33. Lecture Club Adds Three to Membership (PDF). Xavier University News XXVI (4) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1939-10-27: 1 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  34. Honors are Won: By Xavier Students in Intercollegiate Writing Contest. The Cincinnati Enquirer CI (292) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-01-26: 5 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  35. Archbishop is Chief Speaker For Xavier Exercises, Set for 7:45 Tonight. The Cincinnati Enquirer CII (55) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-06-03: 24 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  36. Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (25) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-05-14: 2 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  37. Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (15) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1941-02-19: 2 [2021-09-03].  可免费查阅
  38. 38.0 38.1 Active Service Ordered for Xavier Lieutenants. The Cincinnati Enquirer CII (35) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-05-14: 16 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  39. Commissions will go to Students. The Cincinnati Enquirer CII (43) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-05-22: 7 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  40. R.O.T.C. at Xavier Graduates 25 Officers for Army, 23 for Active Service at Once. The Cincinnati Enquirer CII (47) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-05-26: 11 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  41. Nation's Unity Held up to Class of Xavier Graduates In Talk by Archbishop. The Cincinnati Enquirer CII (56) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1942-06-04: 1, 8 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  42. Lieutenant Robert E. Kaske. Milestones & Memories. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1999-12-31: 2B [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  43. Christine Rutherford Bride of Lt. Nisselius. The Houston Herald LXVI (17) (Houston, Missouri). 1943-11-25: 4 –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  44. Kaske-Reinerman. The Cincinnati Enquirer CIII (282) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1944-01-16: 2-IV [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  45. Marriage Licenses. Vital Statistics. The Cincinnati Enquirer CIII (229) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1943-11-24: 18 [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  46. History of the 819th Tank Destroyer Battalion (PDF). 1945-10 [2021-09-03]. 
  47. Robert E Kaske in the U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850–2010. Ancestry.com. 需要付费订阅
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 Hast, Adele (编). Kaske, Robert Earl. Who's Who in America I 43rd. Chicago: Marquis Who's Who. 1984: 1723. ISBN 0-8379-0-143-X. 
  49. Father Sweeney Of XU Is Dead. The Cincinnati Enquirer 124 (10) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1964-04-19: 6-A [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  50. Factotum Mag to be Available on Campus Soon. The Daily Tar Heel LVII (35) (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). 1948-11-09: 1 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  51. Factotum Mag Slated to Appear Here Today. The Daily Tar Heel LVII (49) (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). 1948-11-17: 1 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  52. Locklair, Wink. Mag Review: Factotum. The Daily Tar Heel LVII (165) (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). 1949-05-11: 2 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  53. Kaske, Robert E. Prime Wisdom. Factotum. 1949-05, (3): 9. OCLC 1568729. 
  54. Kaske, Robert E. Kohala Summit. Factotum. 1949-05, (3): 10. OCLC 1568729. 
  55. Kaske, Robert E. Sergeant Hinchey's Homecoming. Factotum. 1948-11, (2): 13–18. OCLC 1568729. 
  56. Kaske, Robert E. Quid Ergo? (PDF). Xavier University News XXVII (10) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1940-12-11: 2 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  57. Kaske, Robert E. An analysis of Chapman's tragedies, based on a consideration of tragic theory and the fundamental types of tragedy (学位论文). Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1947. OCLC 37757454. 
  58. Shakespearean Scholar to Teach at M. U.. Daily Stockton Standard 36 (204) (Sikeston, Missouri). 1948-06-10: 7 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  59. Powell, William S. (编). The Graduate School Dissertations and Theses, First Supplement, 1946–1959. University of North Carolina Library Studies 3. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Library. 1960: 118, 126.  可免费查阅
  60. Kaske, Robert E. The nature and use of figurative expression in Piers Plowman, text B (学位论文). Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1950. OCLC 37757491. 
  61. More than 1,600 Seniors Receive Diplomas at Chapel Hill Commencement: Doctors in Philosophy. The News and Observer CLXX (157) (Raleigh, North Carolina). 1950-06-06: 10, 12 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  62. Five to Join Washington U. English Department Staff. St. Louis Post–Dispatch 102 (225) (St. Louis, Missouri). 1950-04-26: 3C [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  63. Wednesday Club Sections to Meet. St. Louis Post–Dispatch 104 (31) (St. Louis, Missouri). 1951-10-23: 4D [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  64. Washington U.'s Prof. Jelinek Dies: Succumbs to Heart Ailment—Faculty Member Since 1932. St. Louis Post-Dispatch 80 (99) (St. Louis, Missouri). 1958-04-10: 3E [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  65. Ernst Abrahamson Funeral Is Today. St. Louis Post-Dispatch 84 (192) (St. Louis, Missouri). 1958-12-20: 5 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  66. Kaske, Robert E. The Use of Simple Figures of Speech in Piers Plowman B: A Study in the Figurative Expression of Ideas and Opinions. Studies in Philology (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press). 1951-07, XLVIII (3): 571–600. JSTOR 4172984.  付费文献
  67. 67.0 67.1 Kaske, Robert E. A Note on bras in Piers Plowman, A, III, 189; B, III, 195. Philological Quarterly (Iowa City, Iowa: State University of Iowa). 1952-10, XXXI (4): 427–430 [2021-09-03].  付费文献
  68. 68.0 68.1 Kaske, Robert E. Gigas the Giant in Piers Plowman. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1957-04, LVI (2): 177–185. JSTOR 27706901.  付费文献
  69. Thomas Eliot Takes Washington U. Post. St. Louis Post–Dispatch 104 (233) (St. Louis, Missouri). 1952-05-15: 14C [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  70. 11 on W. U. Faculty Get Study Grants. St. Louis Globe-Democrat 80 (268) (St. Louis, Missouri). 1955-03-06: 11A [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  71. Chancellor Makes Recommendation on Faculty to President Friday. The Daily Tar Heel LXV (104) (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). 1958-02-28: 3 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  72. Kaske, Robert E. Sapientia et Fortitudo as the Controlling Theme of Beowulf. Studies in Philology (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press). 1958-07, LV (3): 423–456. JSTOR 4173241.  付费文献
  73. Kaske, Robert E. The Speech of "Book" in Piers Plowman. Anglia (Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg: Max Niemeyer Verlag). 1959, 77: 117–144. S2CID 162098491. doi:10.1515/angl.1959.1959.77.117.  付费文献
  74. 74.0 74.1 74.2 74.3 Robinson, Fred C. Robert E. Kaske. Alford, John A.; Tavormina, M. Teresa (编). The Yearbook of Langland Studies 5. East Lansing, Michigan: Colleagues Press. 1991: 1–5. ISBN 0-937191-43-4. ISSN 0890-2917. doi:10.1484/J.YLS.2.302891. 
  75. 75.0 75.1 Busy Summer is in Sight for Many Carolina Profs. UNC News 1 (3) (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). 1960-06-23: 4–5 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  76. Professors Win Guggenheim. The Daily Tar Heel LXIX (152) (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). 1961-04-30: 3 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  77. Guggenheim Fellowships Go to Four in this State. The Asheville Citizen 92 (121) (Asheville, North Carolina). 1961-05-01: 3 [2021-09-01] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  78. 78.0 78.1 Fifty-First Report of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the Two Years Ending June 30, 1962. Urbana: University of Illinois. 1962. 
  79. Campus Calendar. The Daily Tar Heel 76 (111) (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). 1969-03-07: 3 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  80. Campus Calendar. The Daily Tar Heel 76 (113) (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). 1969-03-09: 3 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  81. Lost & Found. The Summer Tar Heel 87 (7) (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). 1979-07-12: 15 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  82. Fifty-Second Report of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the Two Years Ending June 30, 1964. Urbana: University of Illinois. 1964: 522 [2021-09-04]. 
  83. 'Who's Who' Lists Newcomers. The Ithaca Journal 154 (124) (Ithaca, New York). 1968-05-28: 3 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  84. Scholar Grant Won by Kaske. The Ithaca Journal 154 (12) (Ithaca, New York). 1968-01-13: 3 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  85. Kaske, Robert E. Gawain's Green Chapel and the Cave at Wetton Mill. Mandel, Jerome; Rosenberg, Bruce A. (编). Medieval Literature and Folklore Studies: Essays in Honor of Francis Lee Utley. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. 1970: 111–121, 357–358. LCCN 70-127053. 
  86. Humanities Grants Go To 2 Here. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1971-04-21: 8 –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  87. Symposium Due on Chaucer Work. The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution 21 (46) (Atlanta, Georgia). 1971-03-21: 7-A [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  88. Chaucer Full of Love But No 'Ann Landers' Sentiment. The Tennessean 69 (34) (Nashville, Tennessee). 1974-05-12: 8F [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  89. Two Receive Fellowships. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1972-03-07: 4A [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  90. Beowulf Lecture Set. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1973-03-09: 4 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  91. Avalon Prof is Named. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1974-12-05: 6 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  92. 2 Cornell Profs win Guggenheim Fellowships. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1977-04-21: 7 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  93. A.D. White Professors Picked. Campus Briefs. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1984-08-02: 4 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  94. 94.0 94.1 94.2 94.3 94.4 Sowell, Madison U. In Memoriam: Robert Earl Kaske (PDF). Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association (The Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association). 1989, 10: 118–119.  可免费查阅
  95. 95.0 95.1 Robinson, Fred C. Robert Earl Kaske, 1921-1989. Oizumi, Akio; Takamiya, Toshiyuki (编). Medieval English Studies: Past and Present. Tokyo: Eichosha Co., Ltd. 1990: 239–243. ISBN 4-268-00014-3. 
  96. Stanley, Eric G. Robert E. Kaske. Notes and Queries. New Series (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 1991-09, 38 (3): 285. ISSN 0029-3970. doi:10.1093/notesj/38.3.285.  付费文献
  97. 97.0 97.1 97.2 97.3 Hill, Thomas D. R. E. Kaske, Medieval Christian Literary Imagery: A Review of Reviews. Mediaevalia (Binghamton, New York: State University of New York at Binghamton). 1996, 19: 261–272. ISSN 0361-946X. 
  98. Kaske, Robert E. Patristic Exegesis in the Criticism of Medieval Literature: The Defense. Bethurum, Dorothy (编). Critical Approaches to Medieval Literature: Selected Papers from the English Institute, 1958–1959. New York: Columbia University Press. 1960: 27–60, 158–159. LCCN 60-13104. hdl:2027/heb.06547.  付费文献
  99. Kaske, Robert E. Patristic Exegesis in the Criticism of Medieval Literature: The Defense. Vasta, Edward (编). Interpretations of Piers Plowman. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. 1968: 319–338. LCCN 68-12296. 
  100. Kaske, Robert E. from 'Patristic Exegesis: The Defense'. Burrow, John Anthony (编). Geoffrey Chaucer: A Critical Anthology. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 1969: 233–239. OCLC 493371334. 
  101. Hill, Thomas D. In Memoriam: Robert E. Kaske (1921–89) (PDF). Old English Newsletter. Fall 1989, 23 (1): 14 [2021-09-04]. ISSN 0030-1973.  可免费查阅
  102. Kaske. Obituaries. The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1996-10-12: B8 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  103. Miss Eileen Collins. The Cincinnati Enquirer 131 (107) (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1971-07-25: 8-J [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  104. Marriage Licenses. The Sun 242 (130) (Baltimore, Maryland). 1958-04-18: 12 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  105. Aloi, Daniel. Renaissance scholar Carol Kaske dies at 83. Cornell Chronicle. Cornell University. 2016-06-21 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  106. Carol V Kaske. Herson Wagner Funeral Home. 2016 [2021-09-04].  可免费查阅
  107. Sherman, Tamar Asedo. Family I: With Child. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1978-03-01: 13 [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  108. At Tompkins County Hospital. Births. The Ithaca Journal 152 (10) (Ithaca, New York). 1966-01-12: 4 –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  109. 109.0 109.1 引用错误:<ref>标签无效;未给name(名称)为NYT.19890811的ref(参考)提供文本
  110. Ithaca, New York. Obituaries. The Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, Indiana). 1989-08-11: 11-A [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  111. Medieval Scholar Dead. Deaths Elsewhere. The Muncie Star 113 (137) (Muncie, Indiana). 1989-08-13: 12C [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  112. Robert E. Kaske. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1989-08-24: 4A –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  113. A Memorial Service. Obituaries. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1989-10-14: 4A [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  114. A Memorial Service. Obituaries. The Ithaca Journal (Ithaca, New York). 1989-10-18: 4A [2021-09-04] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  115. Medieval Scholar Robert Kaske Dies. The Poughkeepsie Journal 204 (350) (Poughkeepsie, New York). 1989-08-10: 2C [2021-09-03] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  116. Robert Kaske. Obituaries: Region. Newsday 49 (339) (New York). 1989-08-10: 49 [2021-09-01] –通过Newspapers.com.  可免费查阅
  117. Kaske, Robert E. Two Cruxes in 'Pearl': 596 and 609-10. Traditio (New York: Fordham University Press). 1959, XV: 418–428. JSTOR 27830395. doi:10.1017/S0362152900008333.  付费文献
  118. Kaske, Robert E. Langland's Walnut-Simile. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1959-10, LVIII (4): 650–654. JSTOR 27707361.  付费文献
  119. Kaske, Robert E. "Ex VI Transicionis" and its Passage in Piers Plowman. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology (Urbana, Illinois: The University of Illinois). 1963-01b, LXII (1): 32–60. JSTOR 27714179.  付费文献
  120. Kaske, Robert E. Dante's 'DXV' and 'Veltro'. Traditio (New York: Fordham University Press). 1961, XVII: 185–254. JSTOR 27830427. doi:10.1017/S0362152900008503.  付费文献
  121. Kaske, Robert E. The Summoner's Garleek, Oynons, and Eek Lekes. Modern Language Notes (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press). 1959-06c, LXXIV (6): 481–484. JSTOR 3040589.  付费文献
  122. Kaske, Robert E. The Reading Genyre in The Husband's Message Line 49. Medium Ævum (The Society for the Study of Mediæval Languages and Literature). 1964, XXXIII (3): 204–206. JSTOR 43627117. doi:10.2307/43627117.  付费文献
  123. 123.0 123.1 Kaske, Robert E. The Conclusion of the Old English 'Descent into Hell'. Fletcher, Harry George; Schulte, Mary Beatrice (编). ΠAPAΔOΣIΣ: Studies in Memory of Edwin A. Quain 32. New York: Fordham University Press. 1976: 47–59. ISBN 0-8232-0351-4. LCCN 76-20905. doi:10.1017/S0362152900018377.  |journal=被忽略 (帮助) 付费文献
  124. Kaske, Robert E. The Character "Figura" in Le Mystère d’Adam. Mahoney, John; Keller, John Esten (编). Medieval Studies in Honor of Urban Tigner Holmes, Jr.. North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 56. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press. 1965: 103–110. JSTOR 10.5149/9781469639130_mahoney.  付费文献
  125. Kaske, Robert E. A Poem of the Cross in the Exeter Book: 'Riddle 60' and 'The Husband's Message'. Traditio (New York: Fordham University Press). 1967, XXIII: 41–71. JSTOR 27830826. doi:10.1017/S0362152900008734.  付费文献
  126. Kaske, Robert E. The Gifstol Crux in Beowulf. Leeds Studies in English. New Series (Leeds, West Yorkshire: The University of Leeds School of English). 1985, XVI: 142–151. ISSN 0075-8566. 
  127. Kaske, Robert E.; Groos, Arthur; Twomey, Michael W. Leyerle, John , 编. Medieval Christian Literary Imagery: A Guide to Interpretation. Toronto Medieval Bibliographies 11. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1988. ISBN 0-8020-2636-2. JSTOR 10.3138/j.ctt2tv0pq.  付费文献