希腊文λάρυγξ (lárynx)[1]

喉头larynx、voice box)是哺乳类颈部的一个器官,用于保护气管,或是作为发声构造。同时也是气管食道分开的位置。



  • Laitman, J.T.; Noden, D.M.; Van De Water, T.R. Formation of the larynx: from homeobox genes to critical periods. Rubin, J.S.; Sataloff, R.T.; Korovin, G.S. (编). Diagnosis & Treatment Voice Disorders. San Diego: Plural. 2006: 3–20. ISBN 9781597560078. OCLC 63279542. 
  • Laitman, J.T.; Reidenberg, J.S. Specializations of the human upper respiratory and upper digestive tract as seen through comparative and developmental anatomy. Dysphagia. 1993, 8 (4): 318–325. PMID 8269722. doi:10.1007/BF01321770. 
  • Laitman, J.T.; Reidenberg, J.S. The human aerodigestive tract and gastroesophageal reflux: An evolutionary perspective. Am. J. Med. 1997, 103 (Suppl 5A): 3–11. PMID 9422615. doi:10.1016/s0002-9343(97)00313-6. 
  • Laitman, J.T.; Reidenberg, J.S. The evolution of the human larynx: Nature’s great experiment. Fried, M.P.; Ferlito, A. (编). The Larynx 3rd. San Diego: Plural. 2009: 19–38. ISBN 1597560626. OCLC 183609898. 
  • Lieberman, P. Toward an Evolutionary Biology of Language. Harvard University Press. 2006. ISBN 0-674-02184-3. OCLC 62766735. 
  • Lipan, M.; Reidenberg, J.S; Laitman, J.T. The anatomy of reflux: A growing health problem affecting structures of the head and neck. Anat Rec B New Anat. 2006, 289 (6): 261–270. OCLC 110307385. PMID 17109421. doi:10.1002/ar.b.20120. 
  • Romer, A.S.; Parsons, T.S. The Vertebrate Body. Philadelphia, PA: Holt-Saunders International. 1977. ISBN 0-03-910284-X. 
  • Seikel, J.A.; King, D.W.; Drumright, D.G. Anatomy & Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing 4th. Delmar, NY: Cengage Learning. 2010. ISBN 1-4283-1223-4.